Monday, January 4, 2010

december object story (Voice)

My christmas break was extatic becuase i got to go snowmobiling and got to go to lots of partys with my friends. The low part of the break was being hammered i had the worst hangover i have ever had. I love the winter break because their is no school, and because i also get to open presents and delicous dinners. I am going to have to say winter break is like my all time favourite break out of spring and summer break. Just cause you cant do the same things during summer and spring that you do in winter. I got an i pod for christmas and my mom and dad are going to buy me a snowmobile of my own because i am getting too big to fit on the back and i have driven one for quit some time so i know all the manuals and stuff. I love my i pod especally because it is a touch screen and you can do so many things with it. i have lots of music on it and i can play games on it, it is amazing i mean im not obseesed with it but i am stoked about it.

I cant believe we had a white christmas either. It didn't feel like christmas. Then god, all of a sudden made it snow i am so happy becuase then that means i can go snowmobiling.In 2010 i hope i will be very successfull with school and my diet. i have lost seven pounds over the breack i pretty surprised because i thought the diet wouldn't work it did though. I can eat all of the food i usually eat just eating smaller portions of it. my marks at the beggining of the year were jhust horrible i wish i would of put lots of efort into it i plan and know i will be better at working because i dont really have any of my huge friends in classes exept for block 8 and some others. but i am really going to try to work on my work and try not to get sidetracted cause that is whhat throughs my brain off of working. well ihope that is what happens this year those are pretty much my goals for this year. I know i am not the sartest kid but i think if i really put forth a effort i could do really well and i hope all of you do great to.

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