Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I hope that i am able to get lots and lots of gifts from you. I think that i earn lots of gifts because i have helped many people, and have kept secrets that people told me even if everyone knew. So if this is what you have in the naughty or nice book i hope i am catigorized in the nice part. And that is just about it. I really truely hope you love the surprise cookies i have made you they are one of those things you count on knowing how to make it.I hope you will make it safe to our home. I even know all of you reindeers name and all christmas carols my favorite carol is rudolf he is my favorite reindeer to. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer,and Vixon, Comit, Cupid, Donner and Blixon, and the brightest deer of all RUDOLF! The elves are probably going to be worried sick about you but everything goes well when the sleigh slides in every christmas. Hope to wake up in the morning and see you were here that is the best part! I hope the deer enjoy the carrots. don't give the to many they might not be able to fly you back to the north pole. Some of the things that i want and will actually use are...

- a new wallet
- shirts,pants;
- shoes
- snowboarding gear
- candy
- hair mousse
- good grades in school
-and new bed spread (name brand)

Your favorite fan writer,
Jenna labounty.
6295 granada cst.
westbank B.C.
V4T 6R2

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