Tuesday, April 20, 2010

walking through the wilderness listenning to the birds chirp and watching the deer graze on the grass the wind in myface as buddy runs overwith his tongue to the side and muddy feet pattering on the ground

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the outsiders chapter 9 questions

when is it appropriate to get in a fight?
  • it really never is appropriate but there are some provinces that you need to fight to be able to win the royalty or to win food and even save people like the army.

Friday, February 12, 2010

the outsiders

J L: ponyboy will end up dying in the end because if his back is broken he would have to go into surgery and the doctor will end up doing the surgery wrong and it will not go into his boody right or he will end up going back into town and he will get caught.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bright Lights.

my reastaurants name nis "bright lights".I call it that because when you go inside it is like a soothing funplace. It has a game room and a playplace that is surrounded by a soundproof dome. So that way kids won't be bored with the ordanary colouring sheet, and parents dont have to worry about thier kids getting into trouble and it is totally safe there is a guard down at the bottom of the playground.

For our complimentry kids drink there is a milkshake that is any flavor you want. You can have a banana, pepperment, and chips ahoy milkshake if you really wanted there is every single flavor you want and you can mix as many as you want in. For the adults itis a parilizer drink it is has milk, pepsi, kaluha, and vodka. and for a virgin drink you can get any kind a pop, shake, anything and they are free refills for all and thoseare the ,mostbought and chosed drinks.

for our appitizers, our most bought three are, breaded zukini sticks with creamy homeade cheese sauce, extra crispy hot wings with celery and blue cheese dip to cool the spicy down, and our bacon cesar salad with extra sauce.

for our main dishes our we have lobster with butter and a steak of any choice prepared fresh, the second most popular is a pizza called "The Clubhouse" it is dough (white or whole wheat) instead of tomato sauce mayonaise with 1 layer of cheddar and grilled chicken,bacon, onion and a layer of more cheese toasted till lightly brown on the edges and cheese is melted fully. served hot with fresh tomato slices and a salad of your choice,for the third is pork chops in a omeade savoury mushroom soup sauce the pork chops are cooked throught with the taste of garlic and seasoning salt mixed together with your choice of white or brown basmati rice under the main dish served with garlic bread or a plain whole wheat or white bun.

for dessert the most bought item is apple crumble served fresh from the oven with cold vanilla ice cream on top. The second most popular is our mouth-watering tarimisu layer cake this is one of the top dessert items because when the scrumptious spoonful of creamy delight hits your mouth you think in you mind gotta have more. And the final dessert is strawberry shortcake with fresh feild picked strawberries, with a layer of real whipped cream perfect whipped to satisfiy your tastebuds and the wonderful taste that tops it off freshly made everyday the moist is enveloping and it is a wonderful dessert to go along with our main dishes and appitizers.

Monday, January 4, 2010

december object story (Voice)

My christmas break was extatic becuase i got to go snowmobiling and got to go to lots of partys with my friends. The low part of the break was being hammered i had the worst hangover i have ever had. I love the winter break because their is no school, and because i also get to open presents and delicous dinners. I am going to have to say winter break is like my all time favourite break out of spring and summer break. Just cause you cant do the same things during summer and spring that you do in winter. I got an i pod for christmas and my mom and dad are going to buy me a snowmobile of my own because i am getting too big to fit on the back and i have driven one for quit some time so i know all the manuals and stuff. I love my i pod especally because it is a touch screen and you can do so many things with it. i have lots of music on it and i can play games on it, it is amazing i mean im not obseesed with it but i am stoked about it.

I cant believe we had a white christmas either. It didn't feel like christmas. Then god, all of a sudden made it snow i am so happy becuase then that means i can go snowmobiling.In 2010 i hope i will be very successfull with school and my diet. i have lost seven pounds over the breack i pretty surprised because i thought the diet wouldn't work it did though. I can eat all of the food i usually eat just eating smaller portions of it. my marks at the beggining of the year were jhust horrible i wish i would of put lots of efort into it i plan and know i will be better at working because i dont really have any of my huge friends in classes exept for block 8 and some others. but i am really going to try to work on my work and try not to get sidetracted cause that is whhat throughs my brain off of working. well ihope that is what happens this year those are pretty much my goals for this year. I know i am not the sartest kid but i think if i really put forth a effort i could do really well and i hope all of you do great to.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I hope that i am able to get lots and lots of gifts from you. I think that i earn lots of gifts because i have helped many people, and have kept secrets that people told me even if everyone knew. So if this is what you have in the naughty or nice book i hope i am catigorized in the nice part. And that is just about it. I really truely hope you love the surprise cookies i have made you they are one of those things you count on knowing how to make it.I hope you will make it safe to our home. I even know all of you reindeers name and all christmas carols my favorite carol is rudolf he is my favorite reindeer to. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer,and Vixon, Comit, Cupid, Donner and Blixon, and the brightest deer of all RUDOLF! The elves are probably going to be worried sick about you but everything goes well when the sleigh slides in every christmas. Hope to wake up in the morning and see you were here that is the best part! I hope the deer enjoy the carrots. don't give the to many they might not be able to fly you back to the north pole. Some of the things that i want and will actually use are...

- a new wallet
- shirts,pants;
- shoes
- snowboarding gear
- candy
- hair mousse
- good grades in school
-and new bed spread (name brand)

Your favorite fan writer,
Jenna labounty.
6295 granada cst.
westbank B.C.
V4T 6R2

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A year to live.

Rushing to the hospital, with chest pains and breathe shortness, not knowing what is going on. getting to the hospital nurses and parametics at my side i lay their in shock and silence. I wake up at 8:53 am looking around there was apple juice and iv hooked up to me with a nurse shooting in liqaid medicine in the IV cord. I went numb right away as the drug worked into my body. I looked up the kind women explained to me "Hi I am michelle i will be your nurse for the rest of the days you are in here." Michelle than walked away and before she had gotten out of the room she whispered " Your doctor shall be in shortly to check your heart rate and blood pressure." I looked out at the sun beeming into the shining window. I here a whisper"Jenna? Are you awake?" At my side a women came into the room with blondie hair, that i remember knowing but at the same time don't.she sat by my side with her hand over mine,tears dripping down her cheeks.She had told me she was my gramma and that she had spoke to the doctor,i had got into a colision with a semi. I have saviere head troma. I didn't even remember her being my gramma and me hitting a semi head on. The doctor came in with a blood pressure metre, pumping the plastic bubble staring at spedometer going round, and round. he then got his stethiscope out checking my heart rate he asked me to look at his finger and follow them while he shines a light into my eyes he asked to say the alphebet and count to one 365. after i did all of the things he told me to that i accomplished. He explained in soro, "I'm sorry to say, you have a seveire head trama and that could lead to sudden death, the test results came in, you only have 365 days to live. I looked at him clulessly. He mummbled again in different words"you only have One year to live."

The doctor stummbled out of the room. I sat there feeling tinggling in my eyes, the sniffles in my nose , and the step after a tear every then and there unable to speak. My Gramma came into the room again with a big book full of pictures and autographs i took and got in school with my friends. We looked through it together laughing,at all of the good times i have had with everyone. we really got a laugh out of the picture i had when i was staying in a cabin with my brother mom and dad. I was obsessed with this little mermaid umbrella i had and my brother threatened to brake it so i went into the cabin and fell asleep gaurding with it in my pants, so if something tryed to take it i would feel the movement. After a couple of hours sitting with gramma, My mom and dad ran in and gave me a hug and said "jenna, we will alway's love you." I looked at them as if i were a dead person laying on a coffin. I have no idea why but they took a picture of me and then they had to go to an important buissness meeting they said i love you and scrummigged out of the room. Michelle came back into the room to give me a vitamin c and antibiotics. She told me i should be out the next day. Meanwhile laying in bed staring at the ceiling and moving my fingers,I couldn't get to sleep because the older man in the stall beside me snored like a lion growling. So i got out a pen a paper and wrote in big letters "JENNA'S WILL" i wrote down computer -. I thought about it i don't really need to write a will right, this moment so i ripped that peice of paper up, got a new one and started writing down the things that i would really like to do. My first idea i got to my head was, sailing around the world on a boat,and the one i thought the most about that i wanted to do was jump of a bridge hooked up to a bungy cord. i didn't really get to do any fun things during the adult years, the kid years "oh yeah!" I got alot accomplished. While i was in the middle of writing my 106th idea I had fallen asleep. It seemed like a hour sleep, i was so tired but that guy beside me was the noisest thign ever that i have heard snore. If that were me i would be asking to go into a different room if it were that loud. "THAT IS EMBARESSING!!" I got all exited when i thought about doing some of the stuff i wriote down. But the bad thing about doing them is that you think abou tdying counting down all of the days.

273 days left

some of the things i looked at acually really feel like doing and did:
- sailing around the world(Only when to vancouver and nanimo.)(did)
- learning how to fly a plane
- jumping of a bridge(did)
- go sky diving
- get a tattoo (did)
- get something cool and fun like a dirtbike(did)
- buy expensive applications
- pay maids to do all the chores and clean the house and even coook for me(did)
- visit all of my family around the world(did)
- do all of this.(doing)

After doing all of those things something bad happened I died way sooner I lived 3/4 of a year.