Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i love halloween

I love Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday. I love dressing up in a costume
and coming to school other people love seeing the different creations I make
every year I get a laugh every once and a while. I also love looking at what
everyone else is wearing.
Normally in school we aren’t allowed to wear hats because it’s against the
rules at school. I like going to the dances at school because they have good
music and everyone actually dances not just sit and hang out im not really the
biggest fan of going to during the day dances they aren’t as spunky as the
evening ones.
I’m going to a Halloween party at my friend’s house this weekend. His dad
went and bought a bunch of fireworks and we are going to set them off. I
was watching the news last night and all of the reporters kept blabbing off
about how DANGEROUS fireworks is, and that they are thinking of banning. Me myself I don’t find fireworks
dangerous at all. (Unless you plant them on a tree and set them off)
Well I see there point in a way but I just don’t think because some people do
stupid things that they should ban them from the world,But I don’t know, I
think it would suck if you couldn’t have fireworks at all.
Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. It was good i some parts but acctually it sounded like the original story, maybe try and make the sentences flow better. nice try though
