Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Scaredy student!

Scardy Student
There was a student named corey and also known as (scaredy student) he went to Gms and he was scared of the craziest things. He stayed in his locker all day long until all of the people were gone. The three things that he was scared of the most were large crowds, sitting in a desk for more than twenty minutes, and he was most scared of the vending machine. He didn’t think that he would ever get over his fear of those things until a little boy walked up to his locker and he questioned “why are you in your locker all day long while you can be out enjoying the daylight and fresh air?”. Because I don’t think of myself as a fun friendly kind of person” so the little boy said I will be your friend if you’re willing to come out of their so the little boy came out of his locker. They ate their lunch together and had a long talk so that the boy would overcome his fears. He started to become more courageous and so the little boy’s new friend went down to his class with all of the people going down the hall all by himself ohh and I forgot to say his name was Jeffrey. And when I go to class I have to walk with a teacher so that I don’t get to claustrophobic with all of the large amounts of people and never forget the bullies they are the scariest. I went back to my house at higher Glenrosa and got my books and walked back to school so he got back to school and went back to his locker where Jeffrey wanted to meet him. After the bell rang Jeffrey came to the locker and Corey came out. Jeffrey felt really bad for Corey so he told him that his grades were getting really low and that he was at an F because when he goes to gym he has nobody to play against because he has no friends and is scared of crouds and he cant even go to class because when he is going up to class it involves going when you are high in the air also he is scared becasue he thinks it is going to get so crouded that he is going to be pushed over the railing or the stairway has to much weight on it and it will colapse. so jeffrey had to go back to class and he wanted to get his grades back up so he came out of his locker again and said "Jeffrey i am going to class with you."

Out of nowhere four huge guys came out and said " hey where is my homework!" " i don't have it!" explained jeffrey. jeffrey was the first friend that corey ever had so he went over to the bullies and yelled "leave him alone that is my friend and i don't like the way that you are treating him!" the bullies turned around and said "what did you say i think you should back off before somethings happens to you AND your friend!"so corey did something he swore he would never do before and he ran down the stairs 3rd and 2nd floors all the way to the first where the janitor was with the tools and mops he ran to the janitor and said " need to use the tool box and the mop pronto" the janitor said its like you are trying to have the fastest locker clean out fast what is going on?" "Can't explain now, have to go ill explain to you later." he ran up the stairs through loads of people and crowds by vending machines in action he even stopped on the way and pooped some money in to buy a cold refreshing drink and he said " why was i scared of vending machines they aren't scary at all. i even walked through loads of crouds i didn't run back to the locker in freight either" he kept running up the stairs in freight thinking alot about the horrible things jeffrey is probably getting done to him.in a matter of minute in bravery, Corey was on the third floor saving jeffery. by the time corey got the bullies gone, jeffrey was on the ground curled up in frieght. He lifted his head up and his nose was bleeding. so corey helped him up and took him to the sick room ammediatly.

the nurse checked him out and he seemed to be okay other than the fact he had a bloody nose. meanwhile corey was in the principal's office speaking of how this happened to Jeffrey. Jeffrey than came a little while later to the office. after they had toldthe principal what happened they walked down the hall trogether watching the bullies being drug by the ear to the office. They giggled a bit after they stomped by. so both the boys got freight taken away from them.
Jeffrey- doesn't have to worry about no bullies and bleeding noses
Corey- no longer scared of bullies, vending machines, stairs, or large crowds.
after going down the hall, almost passing the janitors closet, they turned going in remembering to return the broom and tell him what the big problem was. So in the end everyone got the best things that ever happened. asspecially the friendship, it was the most speical. I wish everything went like that around her.

Don't you?